What are the Town Office hours?
Monday -- 9 AM to 5 PM
Tuesday -- 9 AM to noon
Wednesday -- 11 AM to 7 PM
Thursday -- 9 AM to 5 PM
Friday -- 9 AM to 5 PM
What are the recycling hours?
When is the Code Enforcement Officer in the Town Office?
Wednesday from 4:00 to 7:00.
What animals does the Animal Control Officer handle?
Domestic only. No wild animals.
Can I pay my taxes or registration over the phone with a credit card?
No. But you can register your vehicle or trailer with Rapid Renewal from the front page
When will a tax lien be discharged once paid in full?
Once per month.
Who do I make my check out to?
Town of Pittston
What does “mil rate” mean?
A “mil rate” is defined as the number of tax dollars per $1,000. of evaluation of your land and buildings combined, so if your property is valued at $100,000. and the current mil rate is $14.6 it would be 100 x 14.6 making taxes owed $1,460.00. All past mil rates can be seen
Does the Fire Dep't fill swimming pools?