Boston Post cane awarded -- oldest citizen
On September 11th, 2019 Town Clerk, Deborah Barry Presented Velma B. Albert the Boston Post Cane. Selectwomen Jean Ambrose presented her with a plaque of recognition, and Jane Hubert presented her with the flowers.
2019 Boston Post Cane Recipient
Velma B. Albert was born on April 6, 1922, on the The Range, Queen's Co., New Brunswick, Canada. She is the oldest of seven siblings: Phyllis Greenlaw of Oakfield and Bangor and Jack Branscombe of Bangor and four who are deceased, Merlin and Phillip Branscombe, Bette Shields, and Ruth Goodwin.
She moved from Canada with her parents, Roy and Cora Branscombe, and brother Merlin at the age of four. They lived in Smyrna and Oakfield, and the kids rode to school in a school hack, a little house with a woodstove which sat on runners and was hauled by two horses. The hack she rode in held approximately a dozen students and was driven by Mr. Fred Adams of Smyrna. She graduated in 1940 from Merrill High School with 22 students in her class.
Velma married Ken Albert in 1940, and together they had nine children: Mary Pillsbury, Ken Albert, Jr., Dawn Skehan, Linda Foster, David Albert, Daniel Albert, Lori Hafner, Rocky Albert, and Tom Albert. Over the years, Ken worked as a school teacher, a salesman for both Prudential and Big Dutchman, and he operated a poultry farm. Ken died in August 1965; and Velma later married Ken's brother, Hershel Albert, who had become a widower when his wife, Eleanor, died seven weeks after Ken's passing. Hershel was a self-employed carpenter and operated a poultry farm. He had four children: Teddy Morin and Al Albert, who had families of their own; and Camilla McKinney and Julie Peron, who were brought up along with Velma's six youngest children. Hershel died in November 1988.
Velma has 26 grandchildren, 38 great grandchildren, and 15 great-great grandchildren. Hershel has 15 grandchildren, 27 great grandchildren, and 2 great-great grandchildren for a total of 123 grandchildren in all.
Velma received an Associate in Science (Mental Health Technology) in 1977. She worked at Gardiner General Hospital as a nurse's aide and at AMHI in Nursing Home Administration. She also received an LPN degree while working at AMHI.
She was State Employee of the Year in 1976 and Maine Mother of the year in 1996.
Some of her favorite things to do are reading; writing; spending time with family; playing cribbage with her sons; and daily Rummikub with her daughters.
Velma has lived in Pittston for 62 years.