Riverwalk Property

March 14, 2024 Notice:  The Pittston Select Board voted on March 13, 2024 to open the RiverWalk property to hiking.  Anyone may walk around the gate and enjoy a hike to the river.  A few places are off limits.  Yellow caution tape marks those small areas.  The caution areas contain an oil spill and possible asbestos drain pipes.  

The RiverWalk is still closed to the public for motorized vehicle use, including ATVs.  The MEDEP is testing the property and doing any cleanup that is necessary.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  

This town owned property is located on the Old Cedar Grove Road, beside and behind the Coss Hill Cemetery, with frontage on the Kennebec River.  RiverWalk includes 40 acres of an old gravel pit and the 22 acre Bodge/Sand Island that the town acquired through a combination of foreclosures and donations.  

The RiverWalk Committee is developing plans for recreational uses for this property.  All are welcome to attend the monthly meetings to share ideas for this plan.  Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month at 6 pm at the town office.  (see minutes below)